Submissions now closed


In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council gives public notice of its intention to grant a Lease and a Licence for five (5) years with a five (5) year option term to operate the cafe premises at:

  • Little Manly Beach, Stuart Street, Manly
    (part of Lot 1 DP 1129384 and part of Lot 1 DP 1159168)

The purpose of the proposed Lease and Licence is for the successful tenderer to use the land and the building as a café with outdoor seating.

The party to whom the Lease and Licence is proposed to be granted will be determined following a tender process which is currently underway.

The granting of the Lease and Licence are subject to Council approval and the payment of a lease and licence fee.

Have your say

  • Complete the submission form below.
  • In writing addressed to the CEO, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1665, marked ‘C002835’

Enquiries: Senior Property Officer Leo Li on 9970 1291

Submissions closed Wednesday 27 November 2019.

​Aerial Plan - Little Manly Beach Cafe

Aerial Plan - Little Manly Beach Cafe

Submission form

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