
Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Policy (draft)

19 February 2019

Engagement on this policy has now concluded.

4 June 2019 - Council Adoption

At the Council meeting of Tuesday 28 May, 2019 Council resolved to:

A. Note the submissions received from the exhibition period.

B. Adopt the draft Northern Beaches Council Outdoor Dining & Footpath Merchandise

C. Revoke the following policies:
a. The former Manly Council Policy O6 Outdoor Dining Areas adopted 19 March 2007.
b. The former Warringah Council Policy STR-PL 340 Outdoor Eating Area adopted 25
August 1998.
c. The former Manly Council Policy F30 Footpath Trading – Approval to Display Articles
on Footpath adopted 4 May 1998.

View the Council Report, Item 13.5, Pg 192

8 April 2019 - Submissions for this draft policy are now closed.

The purpose of the draft Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Policy is to provide structure for consistency and transparency in the application and assessment process as well as providing effective guidelines for compliance and enforcement of approvals. The Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Policy is supported by the Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Guide. Whilst the Council is required to formally adopt any new Policy the Guide may be updated from time to time as necessary.

Once adopted the draft policy would replace the Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Policies of the three former Councils, thus supporting a single approach to the assessment and regulation of Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise approvals. The draft policy has no governance over outdoor dining fees and charges which are determined as part of the annual review of fees and charges.

Obtain more information from the Council Report, Item 10.6, page 124

Have your say
  • Online
  • In writing to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655. Marked "Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Policy"
Submissions close Sunday 7 April 2019