
Submissions closed

Under Section 38B of the Roads Act 1993, Council gave notice of its proposal to close a portion of council’s road reserve adjacent to 43 – 45 North Steyne, Manly.

The road reserve under consideration is an area of approximately 57.6m2 which is currently occupied by two retail spaces (Lots 1 and 3 of DP1062787).

View the plan

Once the road reserve has been closed, we intend to transfer the former road reserve land to the respective adjoining landowners. The transferred area will have height restrictions to ensure the airspace above the two existing retail spaces will not be developed by landowners in the future.

The proposal to close and transfer this road reserve was originally notified in April 2019. Due to an administrative error, we were required to re-notify the proposed closure.

Submission form

For enquiries, please contact:

Contact Information
Name Gabrielle Semisi, Property Officer
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)