Adopted by Council

Tuesday 23 August 2022

The proposed road reserve closure adjacent to 58 Herbert Avenue, Newport was exhibited from Thursday 8 April to Thursday 13 May 2021. Thank you to everyone who made a submission.

A report was presented to Council, noting the engagement outcomes and recommending adoption of the proposal.

The closure and subsequent sale of the land to the owners of 58 Herbert Avenue, Newport was approved by Council on Tuesday 23 August 2022.

View the Council minutes (Item 13.1, page 16).

What was proposed?

Public notice: proposed road reserve closure adjacent to 58 Herbert Avenue, Newport

Under Section 38B of the Roads Act 1993, Council gave notice of its proposal to close a portion of council’s road reserve adjacent to 58 Herbert Avenue, Newport.

The road reserve under consideration is an area of approximately 67.25 square metres, known as part of Herbert Avenue, adjoining 58 Herbert Avenue, Newport (Lot 149 DP 13457).

Upon closure of the road reserve, Council intends to sell the land to the adjoining landowner.

Submissions closed on Thursday 13 May 2021 and the project team have reveiwed feedback, and are now reporting to Council.

For enquiries, please contact Council’s Property Officer on 1300 434 434.

Site plan image

Submission form now closed

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Cherry Varde, Property Officer
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

‘Road Reserve Closure 58 Herbert Avenue, Newport', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.