Adopted by Council

Tuesday 23 August 2022

The proposed new and amended fees to Meals on Wheels and Glen Street Theatre were exhibited from 1 July to 31 July 2022 with one submission received.

A report was presented to Council, noting the engagement outcomes and recommending adoption of the new and amended fees.

The amended fees were adopted by Council on Tuesday 23 August 2022.

View the Council minutes (Item 14.1 page 19) here.


At its 28 June meeting 2022, Council resolved to exhibit the following new and amended fees that had been omitted from the booklet exhibited in May:

  • Meals on Wheels - incorporating new fees for Home Care Package clients and their corresponding service providers
  • Glen Street Theatre – reinstating the Staff Costs - Security fee, which was inadvertently deleted in the publicly exhibited fees
  • Glen Street Theatre - making a small change to the exhibited wording around fees for multiple commercial and community performances to clarify the intent of the fees.

Details of the fees are provided below.

The proposed amendments to the Fees and Charges for 2022/23 booklet are on exhibition for 28 days, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

Meals on Wheels

Proposed new fees

As additional Commonwealth Home Care Packages are released, more clients of the Meals on Wheels Service will become eligible and be able to access a package. Home Care Packages allow recipients to purchase the services and supports that they need.

In the case of the Meals on Wheels service, the package charged through a third-party provider, will cover the majority of the meal costs with the client paying a small fee per item.

Council needs to adopt two additional sets of fees to accommodate this different pricing structure and anticipated growing service utilisation.

Glen Street Theatre

Omitted fee

This fee was deleted inadvertently from the recently exhibited fees and charges booklet and needs to be reinstated. It is not a new fee and shows the change to the fee from 2021/22.

Amended fees

The description of these fees has been expanded to include 'of the same production' to ensure that the intent of the fee is clearer.

View more accessible versions of the fees

Have a project enquiry?

Contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Renee Da Silva
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'2022/23 New Fees & Charges' Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.