
Project update

11 January 2019

During our engagement on the Collaroy Beach Parking Proposal late last year, you also heard from the Roads and Maritime Services regarding their Clearways proposal for the Pittwater Road corridor.

While much of the feedback we received was related to the clearways discussion, what we did hear from you about car parking in the area was that you are supportive of:
  • a range of parking restrictions in the four local carparks
  • restrictions which support business, commuters and recreational users
  • continued commuter parking when most needed.
Based on your feedback, our revised proposal will:
  • introduce shorter-term parking in some of the Collaroy carparks
  • continue to provide all-day parking in the Collaroy Beach carpark (north) and a section of the Collaroy Beach Playground carpark (Monday to Friday).
We propose changes to parking restrictions in the following four areas:
  • Area 1: Collaroy Beach carpark (north)
  • Area 2: Middle carpark (to the south of The Beach Club Collaroy)
  • Area 3: Collaroy Beach Playground carpark
  • Area 4: Collaroy Street Council carpark
Detailed feedback can be found in the Collaroy Beach Parking Proposal community comment summary.