June 2020

Work complete

Now that's a keeper


The refurbishment provides an additional set of change room facilities to cater for the increase of women participating in community sport, giving women and girls equal access to changing facilities and allow men’s and women’s competitions to run concurrently.

The improvements, which are part of the Glen Street Masterplan, includes a beautiful upper level platform for visitors to view the game and cheer on their team as well as additional storage for the sporting clubs, minor refurbishments and upgrades of the existing canteen, amenities and change rooms and additional accessible pathways around the building which facilitates better inclusion and accessibility in playing and watching community sport.

The increased space provided by this upgrade will support the increased number of matches to be able to be played on the synthetic fields (finished in 2019) which can now include evening matches and wet weather competitions.

Work on these facilities is nearing completion with the final touches being added this month.

Works are in progress with completion expected in March 2020.

The revised design is close to what will be constructed, however there are some modifications including:

- increasing the size of foot paths

- removing the Glen Street Theatre storage from the building envelope.

Works are due to commence in September, after the AFL / Football season and will not affect any access to the synthetic field.

A temporary access ramp to the community centre to maintain access to the centre whilst the new building is being built.

We will be updating the final design, taking into consideration the feedback received and anticipate works to commence onsite in September 2019.

Once complete the revised design will be available for viewing on this page.

Thank you to those who provided comment on the recently exhibited Lionel Watts Western Amenities and Clubhouse concept design.

During the 31 day engagement period 11 comments were received. Responses indicated overall support for the design as it currently stands.

All comments except one felt that changes were required to the concept.

Themes arising included:

  • safety/lighting concern - design may encourage loitering after dark
  • restricted access to viewing platform while not in use
  • footpath accessibility - consideration be given for the building and surrounding grounds.
  • inclusion of shower and toilet amenities.

View the full engagement summary

We're seeking comment on the proposed design for the upgrade to the Lionel Watts western clubhouse and amenities.

View the concept design

The concept design incorporates:

  • an additional set of change room facilities
  • additional storage for the existing club users to accommodate future expansion
  • minor refurbishment / upgrades of the existing amenities and change rooms
  • an upper level viewing platform for visitors to view the game
  • additional pathways around the building.

Have your say

  • Online
  • In writing to the CEO Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655, marked 'Lionel Watts western amenities'

Comments close Sunday 31 March 2019

Comments closed - 31 March 2019

Feedback received is now being reviewed and considered.

Next steps

An engagement summary together with revised plans will be available on this project page in the coming weeks. It's anticipated stage one of the design review will commence in May.

Comments close this weekend

Comments on the proposal for the western clubhouse and amenities building at Lionel Watts Oval close on Sunday 31 March.

View the concept design

Have your say

  • Online
  • In writing to the CEO Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655, marked 'Lionel Watts western amenities'

Comments close Sunday 31 March 2019

In keeping with the Glen Street Open Space Masterplan, we recently tendered the design and construction of the upgrade to the Lionel Watts western clubhouse and amenities.

Through this process tenders were asked to supply a concept drawing that met the needs of the various clubs and internal user groups.

The successful tenderer has now been appointed and a copy of the draft concept plan has been uploaded in the document library.

  • facilitate inclusion in sport
  • cater to the growing number of female sporting participants
  • allow male and female competitions to be run concurrently
  • provide space and facilities needed to support the new synthetic field, used for additional night and wet weather competitions.

View the concept design

The concept design incorporates:

  • an additional set of change room facilities
  • additional storage for the existing club users to accommodate future expansion.
  • minor refurbishment / upgrades of the existing amenities and change rooms.
  • an upper level viewing platform for visitors to view the games
  • additional pathways around the building


This project has been made possible from funding under Council's Active Play Program, a fund created for projects that increase inclusiveness through active play.


In the interests of minimising disruption during the construction period, access to the community centre in the building will remain accessible.

Works are not intended to be undertaken on weekends.