
Project update

22 March 2019

Council's submission for the Beaches Link Tunnel was presented to the Council meeting of Tuesday 27 November 2018.

View the Council Report, Item 10.6, pg. 153

View the Submission, Item 10.6, pg. 341

View the Engagement Report on the Submission, Item 10.6, pg. 351

Council resolved that:

A. Council note the community feedback received on the NSW Government’s proposed
Beaches Link project, including the overall support for Beaches Link as vital infrastructure
and also serious concerns about the local construction, traffic, loss of public open space,
child health & safety and environmental impacts

B. Council strongly supports:
a. the inclusion of enhanced public transport in the tunnel as well as the need for the
tunnel provide a dedicated public transport link to further enhance the B-Line; and
b. the NSW government minimising the impacts on local residents as detailed in Council’s

C. Council has serious concerns about both options for construction compounds at Seaforth
(Options A and B) due to continued environmental concerns and public safety risk issues
associated with each option. Alternate solutions need to be explored by the New South
Wales Government and Roads and Maritime Services and the detailed safety and
environmental management plans need to be presented to Council for consideration before it
supports either option.

D. Council endorse the delivery of the Beaches Link tunnel for the community of the Northern
Beaches subject to a refined design that reasonably addresses the concerns noted in A, B &

E. Council adopt the Council submission to the NSW Government and write to the Hon. Melinda
Pavey MP Minister for Roads and Maritime advocating strongly for the community of the
Northern Beaches.

F. Council continue to work with the Community to achieve the best outcomes for the Northern
Beaches Community should the NSW State Government advance the project to the next
stage - Environmental Impact Statement Assessment.

G. Council gives the Chief Executive Officer authority to amend the submission and community
engagement report within the sentiment of Council to ensure consistency of language and
accuracy of presentation.

Engagement on this project has now closed.