
Mona Vale Cemetery was established in 1905 and is listed on Council’s Local Heritage register. In 2012, the former Pittwater Council adopted a Plan of Management (PoM) for the Mona Vale Cemetery, which was subsequently adopted by the Minister for Lands in 2013. The PoM noted that as the cemetery is listed as a heritage item on the Local Environment Plan (LEP), there should be a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) in place to allow the continued operation of the cemetery as a place for burials and deposition of cremated remains while retaining and preserving the heritage values of the place.

A CMP was prepared in 2017 providing an overview of Mona Vale Cemetery within its regional and historical context and highlights the significance of heritage attributes of the cemetery. It also provides policies and practical guidance for a balanced approach to conserving and managing this significance including a schedule of recommended conservation works with priorities for implementation. The historical, associational, aesthetic, cultural and social significance of items has also been explored.

The CMP was formally adopted by Council in November 2017.

View the CMP

The proposal for a memorial garden to be located at the eastern end of the cemetery is consistent with the land use and masterplan inclusive to the POM adopted in 2012.

The design for the proposed memorial garden has been prepared in accordance with the Conservation Management Plan and the Plan of Management.

The proposal has been assessed under Part 5 of the Environmental Protection Act 1979.



Life Cycle

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Project open for comment - May '18

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Project closes for comment - Jun '18

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community responses reviewed - Jun '18

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Construction commences - late-Jun '18

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Project complete - late Sept '18