Latest concept design below
September 2020: Coastal engineering report
A coastal hazard investigation and modelling was conducted by an independent coastal engineering expert as part of the proposed demolition and re-construction of the amenities block to inform the building design.
The investigation provides an analysis of tolerable risk, a merit assessment and implementation of measures to reduce the risks of coastal inundation. The report is now available for viewing:
February 2020: Revised concept design
The concept design for the Mona Vale Beach amenities and lifeguard facilities has been refined following community feedback.
The new draft concept delivers a reduced footprint and addresses key requirements, including:
- more toilets
- more circulation space
- shade cover
- seating
- overall improved facilities
- space for the lifeguards (excluding the jet ski/quad bike storage).
Exact positioning of the facility is still to be determined, pending tree root mapping investigations.
Past updates
The concept design for the Mona Vale Beach amenities and lifeguard facilities has been refined following community feedback.
The new draft concept delivers a reduced footprint and key requirements, including:
- more toilets
- more circulation space
- shade cover
- seating
- overall improved facilities
- space for the lifeguards (excluding the jet ski/quadbike storage).
Exact positioning of the facility is still to be determined, pending tree root mapping investigations.
View the revised concept
We are refining the concept design for the Mona Vale Beach amenities and lifeguard facilities following community feedback.
During our public consultation in August - October 2019, feedback on the Mona Vale Beach Amenities and Lifeguard storage reflected more than 80% of respondents were in favour of the draft concept.
In January 2020, Council received a petition, voicing objection to the concept based on its size and possible obstruction of views.
Council organised to meet with petition initiators and residents to hear their concerns and understand points for possible improvement.
As a result, Council has agreed to amend the design to reduce the footprint impact whilst still delivering the key requirements, including:
- more toilets
- more circulation space
- shade cover
- seating
- overall improved facilities
- space for the lifeguards (excluding the jet ski/quadbike storage).
The refined concept will be available on this project page shortly.
Further improvements to the Mona Vale Beach precinct
In addition to the approved work for the Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club rebuild, (DA 2018/1771 and Modification 2019/0454 ) Council will:
- continue with an amenities block in Apex park as planned
- consult on the feasibility of an additional set of amenities to the south of the surf life saving club building.
Engagement on this project has now closed.
The project team will review and consider feedback prior to finalising the design.
The concept plans are on exhibition for comment until Sunday 29 September.
- online via the comment form below
- in writing PO Box 82, Manly 1655
The amenities at Mona Vale beach, adjacent to the pool are being upgraded.
The upgrade follows a recent Council resolution to provide improved amenities at Mona Vale Beach and Apex Park.
A concept for exhibition purposes has been designed and comments are now invited.
The proposed concept includes:
- additional Lifeguard storage
- four showers (minimum) for each male and female
- four toilets (minimum) for each male and female
- unisex accessible shower and toilet
- Lifeguard room
- sustainable water and energy efficient design
At the Council meeting on Tuesday 25 June, Council endorsed the Delivery Program 2019-2023, that provides funding for two new external public amenities buildings as part of the Mona Vale Surf Life Saving renewal project.
The two new amenity buildings will be separate to the Mona Vale Surf Life Saving building. The new buildings will be located:
1. on the site of the existing public amenities building to the north of the Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club. This will include improved facilities and additional space for Council lifeguard storage.
2. within Apex Park (across the road from the surf club). This new building will include amenities and family change facilities.
This decision to provide public amenities in separate buildings changes the original scope of the Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club building design. As a result, Council will be required to lodge a modification to the Development Consent.
Engagement history
Thank you to those who provided feedback on this project. We received 146 comments. Of these, 25 were received after the close date of 29 September 2019.
80 percent of those who made a comment told us they supported the concept overall.
Key aspects of interest or concerns (both positive and negative) raised included sustainable features, external showers/footwash and size.
View the Mona Vale Beach Amenities and Lifeguard Storage Community Engagement Report - January 2020.
Current: beach amenities
Document library
Timeline item 1 - complete
Aug-Sep 2019 Concept design exhibition
Timeline item 2 - complete
Sep 2019 Review community feedback
Timeline item 3 - active
Oct 2019-Mar 2020 Finalise design
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Early 2020 Tender application and evaluation
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Early 2020 Construction commences