

25 June 2018

The Warriewood Valley Section 94 Contributions Plan (Amendment 16 Revision 2) was adopted by Council on 31 January 2017.

View minutes (Item 8.1) - 31 January 2017

This Plan applies to the Warriewood Valley Release Area and is the funding mechanism for local infrastructure required to meet the needs of the current and future residents within Warriewood Valley.

A regular review of the Plan is undertaken to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and best practice principles for managing development contributions. The 2017/18 review of the Plan has resulted in changes which are proposed in the Draft Warriewood Valley Contributions Plan (Amendment 16 Revision 3) 2018.

Minor changes are also proposed to the Warriewood Valley Landscape Masterplan June 2018 and the Warriewood Valley Roads Masterplan June 2018 to ensure consistency across the suite of planning documents for the Warriewood Valley Release Area. These documents are also on public exhibition.