Construction complete

A new shared path for Abbott Road

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide safer pedestrian and bicycle route connections across the Northern Beaches, we have built a new shared path along Abbott Road.

The new 2.5 to 3 metre wide shared path provides greater accessibility for people to walk and cycle to schools, sporting fields and surrounding destinations.

135 comments were received during the recent engagement on the draft concept plan between 23 August and 19 September 2021 with most indicating a high level of support for the project.

The final concept design was approved by the Northern Beaches Local Traffic Committee on Tuesday 5 April, 2022. View the minutes, Item 4.5, pg. 6

This project was funded through the Federal Stimulus - School Infrastructure Program.

Have a question?

To learn more about this project, please contact:

Name Phillip Gray, Transport Project Officer
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)

Check out other shared path and cycleway projects