Adopted by Council

Tuesday 26 July

We are pleased to let you know that the Appointment of Committee Members Policy was adopted by Council at the meeting on 26 July 2022.

The Policy provides a framework to guide the appointment of community members, industry representatives, and other stakeholders to committees, providing equity and transparency of the appointment process.

Thank you for providing feedback.

You can view the Council minutes, Item 9.3, page 8 here.

Engagement background

Report to Council

The draft Appointment of Community and Stakeholder Representatives Policy was on public exhibition from 27 May to 26 Jun 2022.

The draft policy was prepared to revise the framework for the appointment of community members, industry representatives, and other stakeholders to committees, providing equity and transparency of the appointment process.

Following a review of the community feedback received, a minor addition was reflected in the new draft.

A report was presented to Council at the meeting to be held Tuesday 26 July 2022, noting the engagement outcomes and recommending adoption of the Appointment of Committee Members Policy.

Why a revised policy?

We reviewed the Appointment of Community and Stakeholder Representatives Policy 2018 in alignment with the revised committees framework (page 20) which was adopted by Council on 22 February 2022.

The draft Appointment of Committee Members Policy provides a framework for the appointment of community members, industry representatives, and other stakeholders to committees, providing equity and transparency of the appointment process.

Appointments are in line with the general principles of merit-based selection, gender balance, equality and diversity of membership.

The revised policy includes:

  • some minor revisions to align the naming convention and committee member appointments to Council’s Committee Framework
  • update position titles and
  • advertising methods.

Committee member appointments are conducted in accordance with this policy and with due regard to the relevant committee charter or terms of reference.

Following a review of the community feedback received, a minor addition was reflected in the new draft and reported to Council in its meeting of Tuesday 26 July.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Sarah Dunstan
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

‘Draft Appointment of Committee Members Policy’ Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655