Approved by Local Traffic Committee

5 April 2022

We are planning an extension of the shared path network which would connect Brookvale B-Line and Warringah Mall to Dee Why.

The shared path is proposed along Pittwater Road, Orchard Street, Mitchell Road and Cross Street. The upgraded path would be 2.5km in length and have a typical width of 2.5m.

Shared paths provide wider and safer walking and cycling routes for our community allowing greater accessibility for prams, wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

We exhibited the concept plan between 21 August and 25 September 2020. We received 67 comments with feedback indicating most people were supportive of the proposal.

A report noting the outcomes of engagement together with recommendations to construct the new shared path in Brookvale was approved at the Northern Beaches Local Traffic Committee on Tuesday 5 April, 2022.

View the minutes here, item 4.11, pg. 8

We are actively seeking funding from the State Government to enable construction to commence.

For enquiries about the project contact the Transport Network team on 1300 434 434.

Consultation outcomes

Sixty seven comments were received during the consultation period between 21 August and 25 September 2020.

The feedback revealed that most people were supportive of the concept of a shared path through Brookvale, linking Warringah Mall and the B-Line to Dee Why, describing benefits to the community including a safer walking/cycling option and providing ‘family-friendly’ connections to shops, transport and schools.

The predominant concern that emerged in the comments was the issue of safety. Respondents felt that the proposed route through a highly industrialised area, with constant traffic entering and exiting businesses posed a risk for cyclists, as did the numerous road crossings and roundabouts along the route.

View Community Engagement Report.

Exhibited concept plan

Project Manager

Contact Information
Name Michelle Carter, Strategic Transport Coordinator
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Brookvale Shared Path', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.