
Project Updates December 2016

5 September 2017

21 December 2016

Works have progressed well in the past month with the installation of the sheet piles for the seawall being completed today.

The contractor will be closing the site on 22 December for the holiday period shut down and works will recommence on Tuesday 3 January.

Council thanks residents for their understanding during the construction of this important infrastructure project.

Next stages of the works
Bracing beams will be installed and limited drilling for ground anchors, both for the seawall, are scheduled to take 6 weeks beginning 3 January.

In mid-February fill material will be bought in so areas behind the new seawall can be backfilled.
The excess sheet pile lengths will then be cut and a concrete capping beam will be constructed on top of the seawall to complete the seawall construction.

After the seawall is complete the building of the new timber boardwalk will be begin on the seaward side. At the same time, the relocationsof utility services and road construction will begin.

During the seawall construction around early March works will also commence on the construction of the new access road improvements forthe properties that are above the new carpark. These works are required to provide an improved and safer access solution to these properties.

Based on current program the seawall, boardwalk and roadrealignment works will be complete around the end of July 2017.

After traffic is shifted onto the new road alignment the works to construct the new carpark will commence.