
Stage 2 works update

8 March 2018

We’re pleased to advise that the carpark is progressing rapidly and is currently estimated to be completed mid-late April 2018.

Over the next few weeks the ramps to the top floor of the carpark and timber façade will be constructed as well as the realignment of the road near the General Store to remove the double curve in preparation for the second stage of the works.

Stage 2
These works have been designed to improve pedestrian safety in the precinct as well as enhance the passive recreational opportunities at Church Point.

The works will involve extending the Boardwalk around the General Store, adjusting the access road and associated roadworks in front of the Pasadena.

We will also be undertaking the reconstruction of Cargo Wharf to improve user safety and functionality for both private and commercial uses. These works will be tendered shortly and will include both the design development, liaison with local residents and stakeholders and construction
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this important project.