Outcomes of engagement

May 2024

We consulted with our community and stakeholder groups from November 2022 to January 2023.

We have completed our detailed assessment and responses to all submissions received during the initial consultation period, and are pleased to provide the Community Engagement Report.

What we heard

A number of key priorities were identified during consultation including:

  • resolving ongoing drainage issues
  • improving accessibility and pedestrian safety
  • maintaining the natural, low-key landscape character
  • improving the function and amenity of the building precinct, and
  • resolving vehicle management.

Where we're up to

We have completed works to address minor drainage issues within the reserve, improve pedestrian safety and accessibility, and protection of the foreshore.

We have been investigating options and associated costs for resolving more complex drainage issues (see key design feature 24 of the original concept plans).

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have provided a determination regarding 'Conditional Registration for Non-Compliant Motor Vehicles' to the Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA).

What's next?

We are currently modifying the original concept plans (excluding vehicle access and parking) and will re-exhibit these for community feedback in the coming months.

Vehicle management will be resolved as part of the Scotland Island Traffic Management Plan review following the recent decision by Transport for NSW.

Project history

What was proposed?

Catherine Park is a treasured and important community open space with an idyllic north facing protected aspect and flat grassed open space overlooking Pittwater.

The park is a unique site which is highly valued for its environmental, social, and scenic qualities by local residents, day visitors and tourists. It offers a diverse range of active and passive recreation and community activities.

Our aim is to enhance the park’s function and amenity whilst maintaining the open space landscape character. We exhibited draft landscape improvement plans from 18 November 2022 to 29 January 2023 and received 60 submissions.

Community feedback helps us understand what is important to local residents and park users.

What we did

We worked closely with key internal and external stakeholders, and Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), to prepare draft plans that considered all the issues and recommendations raised.

Our aim was to enhance the park’s function and amenity whilst maintaining the open space landscape character by:

  • improving the amenity and management of existing facilities
  • improving the arrival experience to Catherine Park
  • managing vehicles (buggies) to improve pedestrian access & safety
  • managing water craft storage and improving access to water
  • improving pedestrian connections to the park and between existing community buildings to provide a more cohesive outdoor community space
  • enhancing existing foreshore and open grassed areas to cater for a range of recreational activities and community events
  • investigating and implementing appropriate treatments to address drainage issues in the park.

See the concept designs that were previously on exhibition for a more detailed view and image gallery of the existing areas.

Drop-in sessions

We held two drop-in sessions on Scotland Island so that the community could come and talk to the project team and hear more about the proposed landscape improvements.

We were on site on Sunday 27 November for a morning session and Thursday 1 December for an afternoon session.

Draft concept plans and images

Draft concept design

Draft concept plan - Catherine Park, Scotland Island


Have an enquiry?

Name Kathryn Hills, Landscape Architect, Park Assets - Planning, Design & Delivery
Phone 1300 434 434
Email council@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
In writing

'Catherine Park, Scotland Island - Draft Landscape Improvements Plan', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.