Construction complete

As part of the Church Point Precinct Upgrade, we have constructed a boardwalk extension to the previous timber deck alongside the Waterfront Café and General Store.

Construction of the new walkway was completed in December 2022.

The new walkway includes a new foreshore recreation space with seating blocks. Other features include additional short term tie-ups that provide a much needed short term commuter and recreational boating berths. There is also separate space for outdoor dining.

This project was funded by the Roads and Maritime Service under the Boating Now program.

Engagement outcomes

The draft concept design was exhibited through April and May 2020.

We received 123 comments on the proposed design for the new pedestrian walkway at Church Point.

The feedback has been reviewed and areas of interest and concern identified. These have been summarised below.

Your feedback has helped us refine the design, with changes being made to layout of the pontoon and the boardwalk to improve pedestrian and vessel connectivity.

View the New Pedestrian Walkway Church Point - Engagement Report - June 2020.

Key findings summary


What we heard

Overall support

Many respondents were generally supportive of the concept overall.

The overarching tone of the feedback indicated the proposed new walkway was long awaited by the local community and would complement the work already completed in the precinct and will provide a safe pedestrian access to the Western part of Church Point.

Pedestrian safety The majority of respondents highlighted the positive impact on pedestrian safety the introduction of the new walkway would bring.

Some comments reflected the need for additional pedestrian capacity on walkways in the area to ease choke points at the Pasadena and along McCarrs Creek Road.

Feedback also identified the need to keep areas around the general store clear of mess/bins as the area can be difficult to navigate.

Parking concerns

A number of comments identified concern about parking availability for local residents, due to increase in visitors to the area, in response to the exhibition of proposed outdoor dining licence at 1860 McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point.

Additional berths

Residents were favourable towards the inclusion of additional berths in the area. Feedback noted additional information was needed from Council on:

  • how many berths would be added
  • who would be able to use the berths
  • how long mooring duration would be.

Precinct beautification

Respondents highlighted the positive outcomes of the previous stages of the Plan of Management and the need to continue these works in a similar fashion.

Outdoor dining impacts[1]

Many comments reflected community concern that increased outdoor dining may lead to an increase in noise levels and an increase in patron numbers

Consultation documents

A small number of submissions requested additional drawings to assist in understanding the proposal.

[1] Feedback related to the possible impact the proposed outdoor dining licence for 1860 McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point, exhibited 9 Apr–2 Jun 2020.

    Church Point Upgrade - Stage 2 - Pedestrian Walkway concept drawing

    Church Point Upgrade - Stage 2 - Pedestrian Walkway concept drawing

    Engagement history

    Thank you to those who provided feedback on the proposed new pedestrian walkway at Church Point.

    We are considering feedback prior to finalising plans and proceeding to construction.

    An engagement summary will be available on this page in the coming weeks.

    We are commencing the next stage of upgrades for the Church Point precinct.

    The works will improve accessibility, provide more outdoor dining opportunities and add short-term boating facilities to the area.

    The concept, originally included as Stage 2 of the Church Point Precinct Upgrade in 2018, will include:

    • an extension of the existing timber boardwalk around the waterside edge of the General Store creating a wide foreshore promenade on the western side
    • a thoroughfare between the existing heritage wharf and the new Church Point Carpark
    • the construction of a new floating pontoon around the base of the boardwalk (available for short term berths).

    View the concept design

    If you would like more information, please contact the project manager David Munday by email or by phoning 1300 434 434.

    Have an enquiry?

    Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

    Contact Information
    Name Andrew Camarsh
    Phone 1300 434 434