Classified as community land

24 September 2021

In 2018, Council resolved to purchase parcels of land at 62 and 85 Hillside Road, Newport due to the presence of largely untouched Littoral Rainforest on the sites.

Under Section 31 and 34 of the Local Government Act 1993, prior to acquisition of land Council is required to classify land as either 'operational' or 'community' land and give public notice of this proposed resolution.

Community consultation was carried out between 3 December 2020 and 1 January 2021 with 23 submissions received.

The land was acquired on 24 June 2021. As three months has past since acquisition, the classification of the land at 85 Hillside Road (Lot 2 DP 1036400) and 62 Hillside Road, Newport (Lot 1 DP 408800) has defaulted to a community classification in accordance with S31(2A) of the Local Government Act.

Plans exhibited for consultation

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name Gina Hay
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Classification of Land 62 & 85 Hillside Road, Newport' Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.