Works scheduled for Winter 2024
Dee Why Beach is a high value area that will gain significant benefits from an upgrade to the existing stormwater infrastructure.
To improve stormwater quality discharging to Dee Why Beach we proposed the installation of a Gross Pollutant Trap and exhibited the upgrade plans between Friday 19 November and 19 December 2021, we received 19 comments.
Consultation feedback revealed a high level of support for the proposed Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) at Dee Why Beach with comments citing the anticipated benefits for the amenity of the beach and ocean.
Feedback also reflected the need to include educational signage for the community.
Some respondents were not supportive of the proposal, citing more should be done to improve water quality like better street sweeping, banning leaf blowing onto the streets and eliminating plastic bag use at the Dee Why Beach shops.
You can read the community and stakeholder engagement report and response to comments by clicking the button below.
Feedback has assisted us in finalising the upgrade plan, however the project has been delayed due to existing services in the ground. The stormwater upgrades are likely to take place across the autumn and winter months of 2024 and last approximately 20 weeks.
Exhibited proposal
The planned upgrade will improve the stormwater quality discharging into the environment at Dee Why Beach with the installation of a Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) near the existing ocean outfall adjacent to Oaks Avenue, Dee Why.
The proposed GPT will capture pollutants such as cigarette butts, general litter, sediments and organic matter from stormwater runoff before it has a chance to make its way to our ocean.
The works will include:
- installing a new GPT structure within Dee Why Beach Reserve to capture pollutants from stormwater runoff
- constructing a maintenance bay to allow easy access to the GPT for cleaning
- relocation of the existing drinking water station
- removing one small Norfolk Island Pine tree
- planting two new trees to offset the tree removal. One tree will be a Norfolk Island Pine tree planted in a similar location and another tree will be planted at an appropriate location nearby.