Amendment adopted

Meeting current and future life saving needs

We sought feedback on a proposed amendment to the Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge Plan of Management (2002) (PoM) that would authorise a future extension of the Dee Why Surf Life Saving Club building.

The amendment is to Action 63 of the PoM and includes provisions for additional storage and a balcony on the northern end of the building. The extra space is required to accommodate surf life saving equipment and surf craft.

At the meeting held on Tuesday 27 April 2021, Council resolved the following:


  1. The amendment to Management Action 63 of the Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge Plan of Management (2002) outlined in this report is adopted and the amended Plan of Management incorporate the change to Management Action 63.
  2. Council notes that before the proposed alteration and additions to the Dee Why Surf Life Saving Club building facilitated by this amendment is undertaken, a development assessment and determination under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is required.

View the Council minutes (Item 13.2)
View the Council Report (Item 13.2)

Engagement outcomes

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

The majority of submissions were in support for the proposed amendment and additional storage, highlighting that this would allow the Dee Why Life Saving Surf Club to continue providing much needed services to our community.

Community feedback, particularly regarding the balcony, will be considered in the planning, design and future management of the proposed extension of the surf club building.

Learn more

If you'd like to know more about the approved amendment to the Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge PoM, please view the info and images below.

The previous PoM Management Action 63 allowed for an extension to the surf club building which was completed.

The following amendment to Action 63 details the Club’s current proposal:

  • This Plan of Management expressly authorises an extension to the northern end of the Dee Why Surf Life Saving Club building of not more than 6.5 metres by 14 metres on the ground floor for storage space and 6.5 by 17 metres for a balcony overhead. There is to be no roof or screening on the balcony in order to retain ocean views and amenity from the surrounding area. The Dee Why Surf Life Saving Club building is to remain a two storey building. Safe general public pedestrian access around the building is to be integrated into the design.
  • Development is for the purposes of Club storage particularly for surf life saving equipment and surf craft and a balcony to meet the current and future needs of the Dee Why Surf Life Saving Club.

Due to the geographical constraints of the site, which has an access road and public amenities to the north, no further extensions, other than those currently proposed, are likely to be permitted. No other changes to the PoM were proposed.

The Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge Plan of Management, 2002 (PoM) applies to the land on which the surf club building is located. An amendment to the PoM was required to permit the proposal for storage and a balcony.

The Wildlife Refuge includes the lagoon and surrounding natural area, dunes and beach as well as the Dee Why Surf Life Saving Club building (the surf club building), car park, amenities, James Meehan Reserve and playground.

It is bounded by Pittwater Road to the north/west and Long Reef Beach to the north. The Wildlife Refuge is made up of a combination of Community Land, Crown Land and Crown Reserve (Attachment 1).

The surf club building stands on Community Land and is categorised as General Community Use.

The proposed amendment is in keeping with the core objectives of the area of the Wildlife Refuge categorised as General Community Use as well as the identified Recreation, Education, Social and Heritage values.

Related Council reports and documents

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Parks and Recreation
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

'Proposed amendment to Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge PoM', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.