Adopted by Council

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Continuing to prepare and build for the future

We, like every other NSW Council, are required to undertake long term financial planning with our community on services and facilities. This process is directed by the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework and is informed by plans for finances, assets and the workforce.

The delivery program sets out the work we will undertake over the next four years to address community priorities and needs as outlined in our Community Strategic Plan.

As part of delivery program, we prepare an annual budget that identifies our spending for the financial year. It includes expected income and expenditure for all planned services and infrastructure, as well as, ongoing maintenance and depreciation commitments.

Our Fees and Charges detail our proposed charges for services in 2021/22.

These documents were exhibited between Friday 30 April and Sunday 30 May 2021 and adopted with an amendment at the Council Meeting held Tuesday 15 June 2021.

The amendment relates to cafés and restaurants with outdoor dining on Council land. Those that are facing ongoing financial hardship due to COVID-19 can apply for a proportionate reduction in outdoor dining fees through deferral and/or waiver until 31 December 21

View the Council minutes and amended recommendation, Item 9.1, pg. 16

Exhibition history

During the exhibition period held between Friday 30 April and Sunday 30 May, 526 submissions were received.

A broad range of issues were raised through the submission process. This included concerns in relation to the increase in rates, the domestic waste management services charge, permit fees for Church Point Parking facility as well as the introduction of boat tie-up fees at Bell and Carol’s wharves on Scotland Island.

Infrastructure requests for footpath construction on Barrenjoey Road was also strongly supported by those who provided a submission.

A small amount of submissions raised concern in relation to proposed fees in the areas of Long Day Care, parking, community and aquatic centre fees.


What's happening in my area

We have created a map to make it easier for you to see what's planned in each area. Click on the coloured spots below to jump to the relevant section of the program.

Additional information:

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us

Have questions about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Louise Roberts
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Draft Delivery Program 2021-2025 and Operational Plan and Budget 2021-2022', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.