Public Notice
In accordance with clause 21(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Northern Beaches Council advises it resolved to approve amendments to DCP maps relevant to below controls of Warringah Development Control Plan 2011 at its meeting on 28 April 2020.
• B1 Wall Heights
• B3 Side Boundary Envelope
• B5 Side Boundary Setbacks
• B7 Front Boundary Setbacks
• B9 Rear Boundary Setbacks
• D1 Landscaped Open Space and Bushland Setting
• E7 land adjoining public open space.
The amended Development Control Plan came into effect 24 July 2020 and is available on our website.
Any enquiries, please contact Ishara Warakagoda, Planner 02 8495 6285 or email
At the meeting on 28 April 2020, Council adopted the Planning Proposal for Manly Creek Riparian Lands (Mermaid Pool) and resolved to submit the proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for finalisation.
For more details, visit the Planning Proposal project page.
The Development Control Plan changes will come into effect once the LEP amendments are published on the NSW Legislation website.
Once the changes are published, a full copy of the amended WDCP 2011 will be submitted to the NSW Planning Portal.
View Council Report (Item 12.2)
View Attachment Booklet pages 67 - 170
View Minutes
Between Saturday 23 November and Sunday 22 December 2019 we exhibited amendments to Warringah Development Control Plan 2011 (WDCP). However, nine land parcels subject to WDCP control E7 (development on land adjoining public open space) were not identified during the public exhibition period so the amendments will be exhibited for another 28 days.
Consultation Outcome
At a meeting on 26 February 2019, Council resolved to submit the Planning Proposal (Mermaid Pool) Manly Creek Riparian Lands to DPIE for a Gateway Determination to rezone four parcels of land in the vicinity of Mermaid Pool, Manly Vale, from Low Density Residential to Public Recreation.
It was also resolved to "prepare and exhibit consequential amendments to Warringah DCP 2011 to remove residential development controls, including setbacks and minimum landscaped area controls, from these lands".
These DCP controls are only relevant to residential development and will therefore no longer apply to the rezoned land.
View Council Minutes (Item 11.10) - 26 February 2019
At least one of the land parcels subject to this Planning Proposal is identified in the following DCP maps either wholly or partially:
- DCP wall height
- Side Boundary Envelopes
- Side Boundary Setbacks
- Front Boundary Setback
- Rear Boundary Setbacks
- Landscaped Open Space and Bushland Setting
- Land Adjoining Public Open Space
It is proposed to remove all references to subject land parcels from the DCP maps.
View revised DCP amendments report
Additionally, the WDCP 2011 control ‘Land Adjoining Public Open Space’ will now apply to a number of properties adjoining the sites to be rezoned. It is proposed to include these properties on the relevant WDCP 2011 map.
The four parcels of land included in the Planning Proposal to rezone from Low Density Residential (R2) to Public Recreation (RE1) are :
- Lot 7370 DP1165551 being land adjoining 102 King Street, Manly Vale.
- Lot 7369 DP1165551 Wandella Road, Allambie, south of Jenna Close.
- Lot 7371 DP1165577 located to the rear of properties south of Blamey St and Bate Avenue, Allambie.
- Part unmade road at the southern end of Wandella Road, King Street, Manly Vale and east of the Manly Water Laboratory (Research Station).
The Planning Proposal also proposes to remove development standards for height and minimum lot size for subdivision for this land given that residential development will no longer be permitted. Council’s Local Planning Panel supported the progression of the draft Planning Proposal to a Gateway Determination at its ordinary council meeting on 26 February 2019.
The Planning Proposal (PEX2018/0008) was on exhibition from Saturday 19 October until Sunday 1 December 2019. View the project page for further details.