
Feedback from the community drop in session - Careel Bay 2 June 2018

4 June 2018

Thank you to everyone who managed to brave the wild weather on the weekend and attend the drop in session down at Careel Bay. It was agreed that the ideas and suggestions raised would be made available to everyone on the project webpage and via email to the people that attended, so that online comments can be made knowing what other people have said.

Here's a summary of ideas and suggestions that were raised with the team on the day. This is not a list of things that would definitely happen, just food for thought:

Location of small dog area

  • Relocate small dog area to the cleared location adjacent to the north-western end of Etival Street. (Current location is required by larger dogs to run)
  • Provide seating in shade, shade trees and a tap


  • Proposed boundary fence is too low – increase height of fence as large dogs can jump over it
  • Provide a taller fence for the proposed small dog area in particular, so they are not trapped in, should an aggressive dog jump the fence
  • Provide a full fence along Etival Street with regular gates
  • Fencing needs to start close to ground level so small dogs cannot escape, yet support for accommodating wildlife corridors. Small dogs can currently go under the gate at the Barrenjoey Road entrance – please fix this
  • Screen / soften fencing
Parking and traffic
  • Provide 90 degree angle parking along Etival Street
  • Remove, or allocate an area for trailers and boats stored along the park boundaries to Barrenjoey Road and Etival Street
Trees and vegetation
  • Plant along the fence to Barrenjoey Road and Etival Street to screen/soften the fence (too harsh)
  • Gradually remove the weed species, particularly along Etival Street (retain habitat) and replant with locally native species
  • Locate signage to the entry near Etival Street, to advise that dogs need to be on a leash
Professional dog walkers
  • Professional dog walkers sometimes take four dogs that they cannot control


  • Responsible dog ownership and safety was raised as a key issue
  • A suggestion was made for citizen rangers
Careel Bay migratory birds
  • Support for protection of the Careel Bay estuarine wetlands and its migratory birds
  • New turf requires ground preparation, rolling and a watering program
Installation of etiquette signs at all dog off-leash areas was discussed on the day. A copy of the proposed signs is attached for your information. Feel free to provide your feedback on the draft signs using the online form on this webpage.

Thank you for providing your comments on the Careel Bay project in conjunction with reading the suggestions from the community drop in session.

The closing date for comments on the Careel Bay project is 17 June 2018