Construction commencing

  • Project update: January 2025

    Construction of the new playground is scheduled to start on Thursday 13 February, with fencing installed earlier in the week.

    Works will take approximately 2 weeks (weather permitting)

The playground renewal at Donegal Reserve, Killarney Heights includes a new swing set (standard and toddler seat) and play structure with a slide, cubby and fireman’s pole.

Play equipment areas will be kept to the rear of the reserve, allowing for more open space.

The play areas will have mulch safety surfacing with rubber pads in high-wear areas, and will be enclosed by timber edging.

A new bench seat will also be provided.

Project snapshot



The playground equipment within Donegal Reserve has reached the end of its lifespan and is due for renewal.

A modest budget has been allocated to replace the existing play equipment and create a soft fall area to comply with current Australian Standards. However, there is an option to use these funds for a different type of recreational use.

As there are other playgrounds nearby, we could think about using Donegal Reserve for a different type of recreation (see our Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Strategy and Action Plan).



Between 26 August and 6 October 2024, we asked for feedback from local residents to see if there was significant demand for a change of use (e.g. nature play or picnic table & shelter, etc.), or if we should renew the playground.

The survey asked respondents to indicate their level of support of 4 options:

  1. Renew the play equipment with similar equipment, to meet Australian standards. Renewal will include softfall.
  2. Remove the play equipment and replace with static fitness equipment, e.g. pull-up bars, sit-up station, etc.
  3. Remove the play equipment and replace with a picnic table and shelter.
  4. Remove the play equipment and landscape the reserve to create open green space for informal recreation.

We received 118 responses, with 69 per cent being supportive or very supportive of renewing the playground Option 1). Further detail on the responses, including all comments, is available in the Community Engagement Report.

What you told us

What you told us
