

12 October 2018

Flooding in Narrabeen Lagoon can occur after heavy rain in the catchment, or from waves and king tides from the ocean during a severe storm, or from a combination of both. Although Narrabeen is a large lagoon, flood waters can rise quickly posing difficulties for evacuation.

Council has a responsibility to manage flood affected areas. The Narrabeen Lagoon Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan follows on from the Narrabeen Lagoon Flood Study (2013), which identified the extent and severity of flooding. The Floodplain Risk Management Study has assessed a range of different measures with potential to reduce or manage flood risk, and provides recommendations based on benefit/cost, social, environmental and economic factors. The Floodplain Risk Management Plan provides a strategic direction for managing flooding within the catchment, with a coordinated mix of management measures to address existing, future and continuing risks.

Both documents are currently in draft form, and available for comment by the community.

View the Narrabeen Lagoon Floodplain Risk Management Study

View the Narrabeen Lagoon Floodplain Risk Management Plan

For further information on the Study and Plan or the process please contact Valerie Tulk on 9942 2915 or email