Endorsed by Council
Project snapshot
Project update 4 April 2024
The draft Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy was presented to Council at the 26 March 2024 meeting.
The outcome of the meeting is:
That Council:
- Adopt the Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy.
- Host a roundtable discussion to be delivered by a third party, with local public health and gambling harm-related stakeholders and invite members of the local community.
- When renewing or entering new leases and licences on Council-owned or managed land, the Chief Executive Officer use best endeavours to negotiate terms which would minimise or eliminate direct gambling advertising viewable from the public domain.
Project Background
We asked for your feedback on the updated draft Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy, and for your views on whether direct gambling advertising by any third party (tenant or hirer) on Council premises should be prohibited.
The draft Policy was exhibited between Friday 1 September and Sunday 15 October, and received 53 submissions. Thank you to all who provided feedback.
The draft Policy was supported by 45 percent of respondents, with a further 28 percent supporting the Policy with changes. Those who were not in support questioned whether Council should have any involvement at all.
After reviewing all feedback, we have amended the Policy. Key amendments include:
- incorporating a public health approach to gambling harm minimisation
- reinstating the addictive nature of electronic gaming machines (EGMs)
- Council’s commitment to lobbying, working with relevant agencies regarding local government involvement in the determination of EGM applications.
We also asked for your views on whether Council should prohibit direct gambling advertising by any third party (tenant or hirer) on Council premises.
89 percent of respondents supported a ban, however, taking into consideration the role of local government in the context of federal and state responsibilities, the inability to understand and forecast the financial impacts on tenants of Council properties and the complexity of implementation, it is not recommended that Council implement such a ban.
A report detailing these outcomes, including a copy of all comments received, will be presented to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 26 March 2024.
- View the Council Report (Item 10.1, page 31)
- View the Attachment Booklet (Item 10.2, page 23)
- View the Community Engagement Report.
You can request to address Council on the item. The deadline to request is 5pm Monday 25 March.
You can also watch the live stream via the webcast from 6pm.
The Gambling and Poker Machine Harm Management Policy was adopted by Council in September 2018, and is due for its scheduled review.
Regulation of online and poker machine gambling is primarily a matter for the Australian Government. However, despite the limited role of local government in gambling reform, we have a role in providing community information and support.
Staff have undertaken a review of the Policy, and have proposed several amendments to ensure it is in line with current legislation and community concerns regarding gambling, including legislative updates relating to:
- gambling
- Council’s role in the ClubGrants program
- broadening the scope of the Policy to include online gambling
- amending the title to ‘Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy’ (the draft Policy).
At the meeting on 22 August 2023, Council resolved to place the updated draft Policy on public exhibition and to seek the community’s views on whether direct gambling advertising by any third party (tenant or hirer) on Council premises should be prohibited.
- 'Direct gambling advertising' relates to advertising by any entity for which gambling is their primary operation.
- 'Direct gambling advertising' does not include advertising for RSL Clubs as they have a far broader suite of operations beyond gambling.
- Council premises include all properties, facilities, sportsgrounds and parks.