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  • Project update - January 2025

    We’re providing safer paths for walkers and bike riders, while making traffic flow better and cutting down on congestion in this area. This road safety upgrade features 2 new roundabouts and a raised pedestrian crossing to replace the existing zebra crossing.

    Works are underway and are expected to finish by late February, weather permitting. Read more on what we are doing and how we are managing the works below.


The busy intersection of South Creek Road, Fisher Road North, and Middleton Road in Cromer is an important spot for walkers, bike riders, and drivers. After listening to your concerns about safety, we are making significant improvements that will help everyone who uses these roads.

We conducted community consultation between 22 August and 19 September 2024 and heard from 208 community members. The response was generally positive, with strong support for safer walking and bike riding routes, reduced traffic congestion, and lower vehicle speeds. While feedback on bus stop accessibility and heavy vehicle movement varied, the proposed plans directly addressed community safety concerns and traffic flow management.

The Community Engagement Summary Report was presented to Council's Local Traffic Committee, with the road safety improvements approved for installation.

Local Traffic Committee Meeting (1 October 2024, item 4.3):

Discover the outcomes of our recent community consultation in the community engagement summary report.

What's next?

We will start building two new roundabouts and improving a pedestrian crossing in January 2025. Both roundabouts are specially designed to handle large vehicles and create safe crossing spots for people with dedicated pedestrian refuges.

List of works:

(1) A new roundabout at the South Creek Road and Middleton Road intersection

    • Features pedestrian refuges on both northern and eastern approaches

(2) A new roundabout at Fisher Road North and South Creek Road intersection

    • Includes a pedestrian refuge on the eastern approach

(3) Upgrade of Fisher Road North pedestrian crossing

    • Converting the existing zebra crossing to a raised pedestrian crossing

Learn how we are managing the works

Kelbon Project Services Pty Ltd will be carrying out these works on behalf of Northern Beaches Council.

Work is set to begin early January 2025 and is expected to finish by late February, weather permitting.

Traffic control will be present to help walkers, school children and all road users safely get around the work area.

The bus stops will remain operational during the works.

Please drive slowly near the construction site and pay attention to all warning signs and instructions from the Traffic Controllers.

Plan your trip in advance and give yourself extra time to travel.

The majority of the works will be completed between Monday to Friday, from 7am to 5pm. However, there may be some nighttime work to minimise traffic impacts during the day. The contractor will provide nearby residents with further details prior to the commencement of any work.

During construction, you may experience some noise from activities like demolition, formwork installation, and concrete pouring. While we'll work to minimise disruptions, we appreciate your understanding as we deliver this important road safety upgrade.