Tender and lease approved

Between 4 May 2022 and 7 June 2022, we publicly exhibited our proposal to grant a lease to operate the café within Manly Andrew Boy Charlton Aquatic Centre.

There was also a tender out (RFT 2022/046) for an experienced food and beverage retailer to lease and operate the café.

At the meeting on 26 July 2022, Council resolved to accept the tender of the existing operator Silo (Kiosk) Pty Ltd as the Trustee for Silo (Kiosk) Unit Trust. The lease has been approved for three years, with an additional two-year option by mutual agreement.

The café is located wholly within the Aquatic Centre and serves the patrons of the Aquatic Centre. The existing café is approximately 47sqm and this will not change.

The land on which the café is located forms part of LM Graham Reserve.

Council is the Owner of the land known as LM Graham Reserve and the public notice was in accordance with Section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 and Section 154 of the Roads Act, 1993 (NSW).

Lease plan

The land on which the café is located is also known as Lot 1 DP 168526 and part road reserve.

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Jo Tysoe, Property Officer
Phone 1300 434 434
Email Council@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
In writing

‘Lease of café at Manly Aquatic Centre’, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.