Council outcome

Tuesday 26 March 2024

The tender for the Flying Fox Cafe/Restaurant was presented to Council in a closed session at its meeting on Tuesday 26 March 2024.

Council resolved to decline any of the tenders received and to enter into negotiations, through a commercial leasing agent, with a suitably qualified food and beverage operator.

See the minutes of meeting for details of the Council resolution.

This page is now closed. For further information please contact the project team using the 'Have an enquiry' details.

Project history


We proposed to grant a 10-year lease to operate the Flying Fox Café/Restaurant located at 2 Mona Street, Mona Vale.

The purpose of the proposed lease was for the successful tenderer to occupy part of the land to trade as a café/restaurant. The tender was for an experienced food and beverage retailer for the lease and operation of the café and restaurant.

The Flying Fox Café is located within Winnererremy Reserve and is part of Lot 100/DP 1007142.

The leasing of the café/restaurant is authorised under the Winnererremy Bay Plan of Management. You can view the Plan of Management here.

Council is the owner of land and buildings at 2 Mona Street, Mona Vale and this public notice is in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.

The granting of the lease is subject to Council’s final approval.

The proposal was publicly exhibited between Monday 18 July and Sunday 14 August 2022.

Lease plans

View the premises plans for the café/restaurant lease

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Senior Property Officer, Property Commercial & Tourist Assets
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

Marked ‘PA2017/0022 Lease of Flying Fox Café, Mona Vale', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.