Plan adopted

24 Oct 2023

What's happening now

The draft Library Strategic Plan was exhibited from 4 July until 11 August 2023. During this time we received 408 responses:

  • 32 submissions through the ‘Your Say’ project page
  • 6 direct emails from community members and stakeholders
  • 296 votes and 56 comments received during 6 onsite library roadshows and
  • 18 comments through a workshop held with the Youth Advisory Group.

Feedback collected during consultation revealed a high level of engagement and support for the Plan both in its concept and current form. Strong support was shown towards the Plans emphasis on ‘experience’ and ‘connection’ which relate to the core offerings of the Northern Beaches Libraries – engaging programs, safe inclusive spaces and contemporary collections.

In response to feedback, minor amendments were made to the Plan to address updates to terminology and the inclusion of references to governing legislation, policy, governance and funding links with the State Library NSW.

This matter was reported to the 24 October Council Meeting (Item 10.2 page 53) and was adopted (item 10.2 page 9)

You can read the adopted Library Strategic Plan 2023-2028 here.

Consultation history

More than just a place for books, our libraries support learning, creativity, social and digital inclusion, community wellbeing and resilience.

The development of the draft Library Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028 has been informed by research and consultation over a two-year period with library users and non-users. More than 4,000 individual responses were received and reviewed throughout the engagement period.

We heard several key themes, including:

  • Our community highly values its libraries for the services they provide. People love the collections, the programs, the spaces, the interactions and the experiences they have when they are at the library.
  • Library users are proud of their libraries. They think libraries provide an excellent service that connects with them and makes them feel part of a unique community.
  • Innovation is the key to a library’s success. The community admires the fact that our libraries are continually striving to explore new ways of expanding access and delivery of community focused services, even in difficult times.

This feedback helped us to frame of the library’s future strategic directions alongside research into contemporary library service provision.

In response, the draft Plan proposes a targeted focus on four strategic directions which are outlined below.

Submissions have now closed and we are reviewing all feedback received. Your feedback on the draft Plan will help inform the final Library Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028.

All submissions in their entirety are made publicly available in the Community Engagement Report. Personal identifying information and inappropriate language are redacted.

Our focus - four strategic directions

Ideas Board

Ideas Board - now closed

We captured some of your ideas about what our libraries might offer to meet the needs of our diverse community moving forward.

View what people said below.