Reviewing feedback

Comments now closed

Project snapshot

Proposed works

What we are proposing

We are proposing to construct a platform that allows safe entry and exit into the water for all paddlers and swimmers. This facility will offer an option for people with reduced mobility to enjoy Manly Dam, by providing safe access to the water's edge and water. The platform will be located at the shoreline of Section 1 Picnic Area adjacent to the playground.

As part of the works, we are also proposing to construct a new accessible pathway that will link the new water access platform to the accessible amenities and parking bays. New turf will also be laid to complement the pathway connections.

A Review of Environmental Factors has been prepared to assess and mitigate any potential environmental impacts of the works.

This proposed infrastructure project continues on from recent works on the memorial space with a focus on accessibility upgrades.

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View the proposed Concept Plan

Click on the image to view the proposed water access platform, accessible pathway upgrades and location map