
Engagement update

1 June 2018

Thank you to all those who participated in our engagement activities on the Move Northern Beaches Transport Discussion Paper, between Saturday 14 April and Sunday 13 May 2018.

We conducted a broad range of online and face-to-face engagement discussing objectives, challenges and priorities in relation to active, public and private transport in the Northern Beaches area.

Community input was received through:
  • 216 feedback forms completed on Council’s Have Your Say webpage
  • 579 online survey responses
  • 73 attendees at the five drop-in sessions
  • nine listening posts
  • nine commuter pop-up sessions with an estimated 1,900 community members engaged
  • 20 comments provided through written correspondence
  • two engagement sessions with representatives from local high schools.
Community feedback is now being analysed prior to the development of the draft Move-Northern Beaches Transport Strategy 2038.