
Project update - July 2018

4 July 2018

The first phase of consultation for our Move Northern Beaches Transport Strategy Discussion Paper kicked off between Saturday 14 April and Sunday 13 May 2018.

It’s clear from your feedback that a demand for better public transport and more active transport options is shared throughout our community.

You’ve told us what’s important to you and we’re now drafting the Move Northern Beaches Transport Strategy from your feedback.

Move Northern Beaches will provide the framework for the delivery of our future transport network over the next 20 years. The strategy aims to change how we move around at home on the Northern Beaches and how we travel to other areas in Sydney, so that we can be less reliant on cars, with accessible, frequent and better public transport. It also looks at how we can support active transport into the future.

The draft Move Northern Beaches Transport Strategy will be placed in the Council meeting agenda on Tuesday 28 August for endorsement.

You will have the opportunity to comment on the draft strategy through late August and September to let us know whether the draft strategy matches your transport needs now and over the next 20 years.

The community engagement report is now available to view.