
PLACESCORE report available

26 November 2018

Results for the Town Centre Care Factor Survey are now available and identified in the PLACESCORE Community Insights Report.

PLACESCORE offers two sophisticated data collection tools: Care Factor and PX Assessments. Like a ‘place census’, Care Factor captures what your community really values. PX Assessments
measure the community’s lived experience.

Together they help you identify what is important, how a place is performing and what the focus of change should be. Eg. An attribute with a high Care Factor but a low PX Assessment
should be a priority for investment.

The PLACESCORE survey asked which place attributes were most important to you in your ideal Town Centre. It was completed by 3261 people across the Local Government Area.

The Town Centre PX Assessment, an on the ground survey, asked how each place attribute impacted your personal enjoyment of the place was completed by 1140 people across the 23 main streets.

Read the full report