Resolved at Council Meeting

At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 23 March 2021, Council resolved to name the reserve Lynne Czinner Park in recognition of the former Councillor and Mayor’s contributions to the community and environment.

We will now apply to the Geographical Names Board to name the reserve 'Lynne Czinner park'.

Engagement outcomes

We received 62 comments during the engagement period between 29 January and 28 February 2021.

Of these, 68 percent supported the proposal to name the reserve Lynne Czinner Park, as a fitting tribute to a person who advocated for years for the protection of her local environment.

Twenty four percent of the comments received did not support the proposal. Some preferred to maintain the current name, Fern Creek, or to choose an Aboriginal name to acknowledge the local indigenous heritage. Other comments thought a simple plaque with a description of Lynne’s community contribution was sufficient.

Location of Fern Creek Reserves

What's proposed?

We are proposing to name the Fern Creek Reserves in Warriewood the Lynne Czinner Park in honour of Lynne Czinner, a Councillor and later Mayor of the former Pittwater Council.

She was a passionate advocate for the protection of the natural environment and campaigned to protect the Warriewood wetlands and escarpment. She was instrumental in ensuring there was an interconnected network of open spaces as part of the development of the Warriewood Valley land release.

At a meeting in September 2020 Council resolved to find an "appropriate location for a memorial in [Lynne's] honour”. In consultation with Ms Czinner’s family, it was decided that naming the reserves at Fern Creek Warriewood would be a fitting recognition of Lynne’s contributions.

There is a playground in the reserve affectionately known as Rocket Park. The name of the playground will not change.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Victoria Keswick, Open Space Sport & Recreation Officer
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Naming proposal - Lynne Czinner Park' – Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655