
Project update - December 2018

11 December 2018

In response to community engagement on the boardwalk project, Council revisited two options for terrestrial location of the walkway parallel to the Wakehurst Parkway and compared them to the proposed aquatic boardwalk.

The aquatic boardwalk alignment as exhibited has been accepted as the final design for the following reasons:

  • best practice safety for pedestrians and cyclists
  • minimal environmental impact
  • diversity of recreation experience on the trail
  • aesthetically pleasing outcome from the waterway
  • ability for Council to undertake riparian and foreshore revegetation and restoration of the degraded lagoon edge along the Parkway
The table below presents a summary of the main community concerns from the engagement process and an analysis of the options:

Community concern

Terrestrial Option

Aquatic Boardwalk

Tree removal required



Vegetation lost

Minimum 296 m2

192 m2

Revegetation opportunity


250 m2

Educational opportunities

Yes – Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) signage

Yes interpretative aquatic flora and fauna signage & EEC signage

Impact on daily usage

Loop closed during construction 3 – 6 months

Minor scheduled closures during on/off ramp construction only – timed

Construction impact

Potential dewatering and piling/filling into bank and riparian zone

Over water – no barge required – piling into seagrass wrack not into riparian area

Council has signed a contract with a service provider and works are to commence in May 2019. Completion of the walkway is scheduled for October 2019 (weather permitted).