
We are seeking your feedback on the proposal to improve boat storage at four locations along the Narrabeen Lagoon foreshore. View the map of the proposed locations here.

Narrabeen Lagoon is very popular for recreational boating activities. These activities include the use of kayaks, dinghies, dragon boats and outrigger canoes. There is a need for more storage facilities for these types of watercraft in order to; meet the demand for storage, reduce waiting lists, improve the amenity of the foreshore and reduce the number of dumped boats and the impact on the natural environment.


Life Cycle

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Jan '19 - Community engagement period commences

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Mar '19 - Community engagement completed, feedback is being analysed and proposals finalised.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Jun '19 - Complete installation as agreed.

Mark Wilson

Recreation Project Officer

Phone: 1300 434 434

Email here: