
The Northern Beaches population and workforce is growing. To assist in the provision of appropriate infrastructure to support this growth a new Draft Northern Beaches Council Development Contributions Plan has been prepared.

A contributions plan allows Council to levy development to provide new or upgraded public infrastructure and services.

The Draft Northern Beaches Council Contributions Plan will apply across the Northern Beaches and will replace the following existing contributions plans:

  • Northern Beaches Council Contributions Plan 2018 (applying to the former Warringah LGA)
  • Manly Section 94 Contributions Plan 2004 as amended (applying to the former Manly LGA)
  • Pittwater Section 94 Contributions Plan for Residential Development (applying to the former Pittwater LGA).

The new Draft Northern Beaches Contributions Plan -

  • applies to all development and levies a fixed rate contribution (either 0.5% or 1%) based on the total cost of works. No contribution is proposed for developments with a cost of works under $100,000
  • will ensure a consistent and transparent approach to collecting development contributions across the Northern Beaches and will facilitate a broader range of infrastructure and services to be funded by development
  • will not apply to Dee Why Town Centre or Warriewood Valley as there are specific contributions plans that fund the delivery of infrastructure in these growth areas.


At a meeting on 25 June 2019 Council resolved to approve the Northern Beaches Council Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2019 and to:

  • approve the approach to impose development contributions on secondary dwellings and, in effect, rescind the former Pittwater Council resolution of 20 October 2008.
  • repeal the Northern Beaches Council Contributions Plan 2018, the Manly Section 94 Contributions Plan 2004 and the Pittwater Section 94 Contributions Plan for Residential Development 2015.
  • give public notice of the approval of the Northern Beaches Council Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2019 in the Manly Daily
  • approve the approach on the administration of the financial reserves associated with all repealed contributions plans from 1 July 2019, in particular:

a. The reporting of relevant plans in Council’s financial statements, the reserves associated with each relevant repealed plan be transferred as a consolidated amounts in a new infrastructure element labelled ‘Local Infrastructure (repealed plan) on 1 July 2019’.

b. Ensure that all funds held in the reserves of superseded contributions plans are spent in the same area to which the superseded contributions plan applied.

There is a report going to Council on Tuesday 25 June presenting the outcomes of the public exhibition of the draft Northern Beaches Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2019 (the draft Contributions Plan), and seeking Council’s approval for adoption of the draft Contributions Plan.

The Council Meeting will be held 6pm Dee Why Civic Centre.

For requests to address Council visit our webpage.

If you didnt get a chance to come along to the drop in, you still have time to provide feedback on the draft Plan online

Submissions close Sunday 12 May

At a meeting on 26 March, Council endorsed the exhibition of the draft Northern Beaches Council Development Contributions Plan.

View Council Report (Item 11.2) - 26 March 2019
View the Draft Northern Beaches Development Contributions Plan

To find out more - come along to a drop-in at Dee Why Civic Centre

  • Banksia Room - Thursday 11 April, 5-7pm

Make a submission

  • online (closed)
  • in writing to Northern Beaches Council, PO BOX 82 Manly NSW 1655, marked ‘Northern Beaches Contributions Plan - C003025’

Enquires contact Robert Platt, Principal Development Infrastructure Officer, on 1300 434 434.

Submissions close Sunday 12 May 2019

The Northern Beaches population and workforce is growing. To assist in the provision of appropriate infrastructure to support this growth a new Draft Northern Beaches Council Development Contributions Plan has been prepared.

A contributions plan allows Council to levy development to provide new or upgraded public infrastructure and services.

The Draft Northern Beaches Council Contributions Plan will apply across the Northern Beaches and will replace the following existing contributions plans:

  • Northern Beaches Council Contributions Plan 2018 (applying to the former Warringah LGA)
  • Manly Section 94 Contributions Plan 2004 as amended (applying to the former Manly LGA)
  • Pittwater Section 94 Contributions Plan for Residential Development (applying to the former Pittwater LGA).

The new Draft Northern Beaches Contributions Plan -

  • applies to all development and levies a fixed rate contribution (either 0.5% or 1%) based on the total cost of works. No contribution is proposed for developments with a cost of works under $100,000
  • will ensure a consistent and transparent approach to collecting development contributions across the Northern Beaches and will facilitate a broader range of infrastructure and services to be funded by development
  • will not apply to Dee Why Town Centre or Warriewood Valley as there are specific contributions plans that fund the delivery of infrastructure in these growth areas.

Robert Platt

Principal Development Infrastructure Officer, Northern Beaches Council

1300 434 434 or Email: