Licence granted

Engagement summary

In accordance with Section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993, we notified our community of a proposal to grant a five (5) year licence to the business trading as JB & Sons Pty Ltd, to use 14.2sqm of Council Land located adjacent to 1421 Pittwater Rd Narrabeen (being part of Lot 7 DP 12600).

The purpose of the licence agreement is to enable the applicant to operate its business on Council Land to provide seating and other dining facilities to customers of the adjoining restaurant. The licence is subject to the payment of a licence fee and Council approval.

During the exhibition period between 12 April and 16 May 2021 we received 44 submissions.

The consultation feedback indicated a high level of support for the proposed outdoor dining licence. The majority of respondents favoured the activation of the site as they felt it would enhance the ambience of the area which some commented is currently underutilised. Most people agreed that access to outdoor dining is in keeping with the character and atmosphere of Narrabeen’s outdoor culture.

The few respondents who did not support the outdoor dining licence raised the issues of misuse of public space, potential risk of alcohol abuse and littering.

The licence was approved by Council and commenced on 10 June 2021.

Contact us

Contact Information
Name Clare Morgan, Property Officer
Phone 1300 434 434