Adopted by Council

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Outcomes of Council meeting

Between 6 December 2021 and 6 February 2022 we consulted with you on a proposal to grant an easement to drain water at Parkes Road Reserve, Collaroy Plateau.

We received 18 submissions. Thank you for your feedback.

A report was presented to Council at the meeting on Tuesday 27 September. The report noted engagement outcomes and recommended granting of the easement.

Council endorsed the report and recommendation to grant the easement.

What was proposed?

We considered granting an easement to drain water over part of Council managed Crown Reserve known as Parkes Road Reserve, Collaroy Plateau. The proposed easement, to the property owner of 136 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy Plateau would enable use of the stormwater drainage pipe through Parkes Road Reserve, Collaroy Plateau, and connection with the street drainage system.

The applicant had applied to Council for the proposed easement to comply with a condition of Development Consent DA2010/1136 for the subdivision of 136 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy Plateau (Lot 1 in DP 235748).

The proposed easement was subject to Council approval and payment based on independently assessed value of the easement. If granted, the easement will be permanent.

The proposal was exhibited between 6 December and 6 February 2022 with the report back to Council on 27 September 2022.

Engagement history

Proposed easement aerial and plan

Click on the side arrows to view the images

Notice of proposed easement

Under Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council hereby gives notice of its intention to consider granting an Easement to Drain Water over part of Parkes Road Reserve, Collaroy Plateau (Lot 7051 DP 1051205) to Jeremy Neil Glass, the owner of 136 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy Plateau (Lot 1 DP 235748).

The proposed easement will allow a stormwater drainage pipe through Parkes Road Reserve to connect with the Council stormwater main drainage system that is located within Parkes Road, Collaroy Plateau.

The proposed easement will be approximately 55m long and 1.2m wide and will be granted in perpetuity.

The proposal is subject to formal Council approval and payment of compensation to Council.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Tida Dhanommitrapap
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

Proposed easement: 136 Anzac Parade, Collaroy Plateau across Parkes Road Reserve, Collaroy Plateau’,