Council outcome
Project snapshot
We proposed to rename Walworth Court in Newport to ‘Syncarpia Court’ to address concerns about the 'Walworth Court' street name too closely resembling the adjoining 'Walworth Avenue' street name and impacting deliveries as well as general wayfinding.
The Turpentine tree Syncarpia Glomulifera is endemic to the area and a large Turpentine tree is located midway down this lane.
Between 23 February and 24 March 2024 we exhibited a proposal to name the laneway Syncarpia Court, and received 49 responses. The majority of responses did not support the proposed change, citing difficulty pronouncing 'Syncarpia', and the burden placed on residents to update their address details.
Council outcome
We presented a report outlining the outcomes of engagement to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 13 August 2024, and Council supported the recommendation not to proceed with the proposed change, and to keep the street name Walworth Court.
- View the Council Minutes (Item 13.2, p.19).
Location map

Dec 2023
December 2023
At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 December 2023, it was resolved to exhibit the proposal. View the Minutes here.
We have previously consulted on a proposal to name the road 'Guru Court'. Further details are available under the 2021-2022 tab.
The naming proposal has been pre-approved by the Geographical Names Board (GNB) of NSW. It is being carried out in line with the guidelines of both the GNB of NSW and Council’s Policy for the Naming of our Reserves, Facilities and Roads.
Notice of intention to name this road was provided in accordance with Section 162 of the Roads Act 1993 and Section 7 of the Roads Regulation 2018.
In 2021 we consulted with the community on a proposal to rename Walworth Court in Newport as 'Guru Court'. The renaming was to address concerns about the 'Walworth Court' street name resembling too closely the adjoining 'Walworth Avenue' and impacting deliveries and general wayfinding.
We exhibited the proposal between 1 and 31 October 2021, and received 25 responses, with a slight majority (60%) supporting the proposal. View the Community Engagement Report here.
The outcome of this consultation was reported back to Council in February 2022, but the matter was deferred to ensure the correct local Aboriginal language was used.
We sought advice from the Aboriginal Languages Trust (ALT). The ALT has recommended Council consider forgoing the use of Aboriginal Languages until there is clear direction from the Local Aboriginal Community on which Aboriginal Language(s) belong to our area.
To address the original concerns impacting deliveries and wayfinding, we are now proposing the renaming of Walworth Court as ‘Syncarpia Court’. The Turpentine tree Syncarpia Glomulifera is endemic to the area and a large Turpentine tree is located midway down this lane.
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acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Country on which we
gather today. By these words we show our respect to all Aboriginal
people. We acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging and the spirits
and ancestors of the Clans that lived in this area.
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