Amendment adopted

Relating to Lot 2 DP536909

Between 22 January 2021 and 21 March 2021, we consulted on a proposal to categorise the community land comprising Lot 102 DP1244381, Lot 2620 DP752038 and Lot 2 DP536909 on Wyatt Avenue, Belrose as Park and amend the Generic Parks Plan of Management (Former Warringah) to include these parcels of land. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

A report was presented to Council at the meeting on Tuesday 26 October 2021 with recommendations relating to this categorisation process.

At the meeting, Council resolved to categorise Lot 2 DP536909 as Park and amend the Generic Parks Plan of Management (Former Warringah) to include this parcel of land.

Council also endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Wyatt Bike Park Plan of Management in relation to Lot 102 DP 1244381 and Lot 2620 DP 752038.

View the Council minutes (Item 13.7)

View the Council Report and full list of recommendations (Item 13.7) and Attachment Booklet 2 (Item 13.7)

Engagement outcomes

We received 23 submissions during the public exhibition. Reasons for supporting the proposed categorisation of Lot 102 DP1244381, Lot 2620 DP752038 and Lot 2 DP536909 as Park included that it will secure and retain public open space for the community and will facilitate use of the land for public recreation.

Concerns mostly related to the proposed use of the land known as Lot 102 DP1244381 and Lot 2620 DP752038 as a bike park and site-specific concerns regarding noise, safety, access, and environmental impact.

We received feedback that, due to the specialised nature of the proposed bike park, a site-specific Plan of Management (PoM) would be preferable.

Thank you to everyone who provided a submission on this proposal and to those who attended the online public hearing session that was held on Thursday 18 February 2021.

We have received the final Public Hearing and Submissions Report from the consultancy Parkland Planners for the proposed categorisation of community land in Wyatt Avenue, Belrose.

Council is required under Section 47G(3) of the Local Government Act 1993 to make a copy of this report available to the public within four days of receiving it.

The recommendations contained in this independent report will be considered as part of an upcoming report to Council.

Based on feedback received from the community, we are currently developing a site specific Plan of Management for Lot 102 DP1244381 and Lot 2620 DP752038 (see site map below).

We will provide a further update on this page as soon as possible.

The NSW Government sold land on Wyatt Avenue, Belrose (previously owned by NSW TAFE) to Council in March 2019 on the conditions that it be classified as Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (LG Act) and Council develop an open space, public recreation facility on the site. The parcels of land were classified as Community Land upon the transfer to Council.

Community land is required to be categorised under the LG Act. It is proposed to categorise the site as Park (consistent with the core objectives for the Park category in section 36G of the LG Act) in order to facilitate the use of the land for a bike park and public recreation. We also need to amend the Generic Parks Plan of Management (PoM) – former Warringah to include these parcels of land.

At its meeting on 15 December 2020, Council resolved to place the proposed amendment to the Generic Parks Plan of Management (PoM) – former Warringah on public exhibition and hold a public hearing.

View the related Council report including the draft changes to the Generic Parks PoM.

To learn more about the community land categorisation process, view the background information document.

Site map

Site map


Contact Information
Name Cameron Henery, Senior Asset Management Officer
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

'Proposed amendment to Generic Parks PoM - Wyatt Avenue, Belrose', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.