Engagement outcomes

Between Friday 5 May and Monday 5 June 2023, we exhibited the proposal to grant a 10-year lease with a 5-year option term to fit out and operate a restaurant located on the iconic Manly Beachfront via a tender process.

We received 14 submissions, all in favour of the proposal. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. You can find more detail, including verbatim submissions, in the Public Notification Summary Report.

Next steps

A tender will be released for a suitable operator of the restaurant.

The granting of the lease is subject to Council’s final approval.

Find out more about Council's tender process here.

What was proposed?

We proposed to grant a 10-year lease with a 5-year option term to fit out and operate a restaurant located on the iconic Manly Beachfront currently known as “The Pantry, Manly", via a tender process.

This public notice of Council's proposal to enter into a new lease for the restaurant component of the Manly Beach Restaurant and Amenities Building, located in Part Lot 100 DP1153827 was given in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Lease plan