Approved by Local Traffic Committee
Tuesday 10 October 2023
Project update
Residents and bus operators have voiced concerns affecting traffic flow and driveway access due to the narrowness of Central Road when vehicles park on both sides of this road, in Avalon Beach.
At the meeting of 24 May 2022, Council resolved to analyse car parking along Central Road, and consult with the community on plans to resolve these concerns.
We reviewed the location and proposed 'No parking' restrictions along some sections of Central Road. These restrictions will improve safety and access for residents and the 192 Avalon Beach to Stokes Point bus loop service.
The proposal was exhibited between Friday 4 August and Sunday 3 September 2023, and received 129 comments. Feedback indicated a high level of support with comments noting the benefits for all road users by providing a wider road and improved sightlines for through traffic.
Feedback also suggested Council should consider installing the ‘No Parking’ restrictions only on the southern side of the road. This amendment was reported to the Local Traffic Committee on Tuesday 10 October 2023, where the Committee supported the amended proposal.
- View the Committee Report (Item 4.15, page 3)
- View the Committee Minutes (Item 4.15, page 12).
Further detail, including all verbatim comments, can be read in the Community Engagement Report.
Next steps
Staff will make arrangements to update road markings and install signage in accordance with the approved plan.
Approved plan