Project snapshot
We received an application to rename Old Reub Hudson Oval to Panucci Field.
We asked for your feedback on the proposal - we received 98 responses, a majority support the renaming.
Next steps
We are presenting a report to Council on Tuesday 18 March to make a decision.
We received an application from Francesco Panucci’s family to rename Old Reub Hudson Oval at John Fisher Park Reserve, North Curl Curl, to Panucci Field.
The original Reub Hudson Oval (on Panucci’s former land) was relocated to the adjacent sportsfield as part of an upgrade, and the old oval became known as Old Reub Hudson Oval. The Hudson family support the proposed renaming.
This naming proposal is consistent with Council’s Naming Our Reserves, Facilities and Roads Policy and does not require the approval of the Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB) as the oval is considered a facility within John Fisher Park Reserve.
Community feedback
We asked for your feedback on the proposal between 5 September and 6 October 2024, and received 98 responses. The majority of respondents supported the proposal, citing it as a fitting tribute to Francesco Panucci.
Reporting to Council
We have reviewed your feedback, and are presenting a report on the consultation outcomes, including all feedback received, to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 18 March 2025:
- View the Council Report - item 11.1, p. 39
- View the Attachments Booklet p. 33
You can request to address Council on the item. The deadline to submit a request is 5pm Monday 17 March.
You can also watch the live stream of the meeting via the webcast from 6pm.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Sep 2024: Open and listening
We asked for your thoughts on the proposal
Timeline item 2 - complete
Oct 2024: Under review
We reviewed all responses received and have prepared a report for Council
Timeline item 3 - active
Mar 2025: Sharing what we heard
We're sharing what we learnt from your feedback, and presenting a report to Council for a decision