Lease granted

We notified you of our proposal to grant a Road Reserve Lease for another five years to the owner/s of the property at 15 Lindley Avenue, Narrabeen.

The purpose of the proposed lease is for the continued parking of motor vehicles. A plan of the leased area is shown below in red.

The proposal was open for feedback between Friday 29 July and Sunday 28 August 2022, during which time we recieved one submission.

The submission received was in suport of the proposal, and we are granting the lease for another 5 years as proposed.

You can view the outcomes of engagement in our Community engagement summary report.

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Property Officer, Property Commercial & Tourist Assets
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

Marked 'Proposed Lease of Road Reserve adjoining 15 Lindley Avenue, Narrabeen' to Northern Beaches Council, PO BOX 82 Manly 1655.