Proposal not proceeding

Between 4 February and 6 March 2022, we consulted with the community on the proposed closure of a road reserve on Watkins Road between 32 Watkins Road, and 34 & 36 Watkins Road.

Thank you to everyone who provided a submission.

A report was presented to Council on 22 November 2022, seeking public exhibition of the proposed road reserve closure. The resolution was not carried.

The matter is now closed and the road reserve closure will not go ahead.

View the Council Minutes (Item 13.8, page 29)

View the Council Report (Item 13.8, page 176) and Attachment Booklet (Item 13.8)

Consultation history

Public notice

We are considering an application for the formal closure of a public road reserve in Avalon Beach.

The road reserve is a 3.66 metre wide unconstructed pathway on Watkins Road between 32 Watkins Road, and 34 & 36 Watkins Road.

The closure would enable the sale of the land to the adjoining owner at 32 Watkins Road (Lot 16 DP 11096) for the potential construction of a second dwelling (behind the existing dwelling at 32 Watkins Road) and subdivision of land.

This notice relates to the proposed closure of this public road reserve (unconstructed pathway) only in accordance with Section 38B of the Roads Act 1993.

If the closure of the road reserve is approved, any proposed sale of the land will be managed by NSW Department of Planning Industry & Environment – Crown Lands.

If you have any questions, please contact Council’s Property Officer on 1300 434 434 (during business hours) or by email.

Any person is entitled to make submissions to Council with respect to the proposed closing of the road reserve. All submissions in their entirety will be treated as public documents and made available on request.

Submissions closed Sunday 6 March 2022.

Road closure plan

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Tida Dhanommitrapap, Property Officer - Property Commercial & Tourist Assets
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Proposed road reserve closure adj. 32 Watkins Road, Avalon Beach', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.