Road reserve consent granted
We considered an application from the registered owner of 55 Francis Street, Manly for the use of a portion of Council’s road reserve adjacent to their property.
The application is for an area of approximately 18.3 square metres (shown in red in the plan below), and the purpose of the proposed Road Reserve Consent is for an elevated driveway.
The requirement for this application is a condition of approved Development Application (DA2022/1139) and the proposed consent will formalise the ongoing occupation of the structure on Council land once erected.
We exhibited the proposal between Friday 12 May and Sunday 11 June, and received one submission. Thank you for your feedback.
The submission opposed the proposal, however the subject Development Application has been assessed against the relevant Council controls and policies, and is not considered to set a precedent for future development in the vicinity. Any future application for a similar development will be assessed on its own merits. As such, we will proceed with granting the road reserve consent as notified.
View the Summary Report here.
This public notice was given in accordance with Sections 138 and 139 of the Road Act NSW 1993.