Consent granted


Under Section 138 and 139 of the Roads Act NSW 1993, Northern Beaches Council gave public notice of its intention to consider an application for occupation of structures within Council’s road reserve to the registered owner of 29 Battle Boulevarde, Seaforth for an area of approximately 85 square metres.

The purpose of the proposed Road Reserve Consent is for an elevated driveway as shown in the attached plan (area shown in red). The requirement for this application is a condition of approved Development Application (DA134/2016) and the consent will formalise the ongoing occupation of the structure on Council land once erected.

We invited submissions between Monday 25 July and Wednesday 24 August 2022. We received six submissions. Thank you for your feedback.

Feedback indicated a desire for Council land to remian available to the public, however in certain instances, such as when a safe access is required to a property, Council grants a consent to the permanent use of a Council road reserve.

The area at 29 Battle Boulevarde, Seaforth which requires a road reserve consent, is already used as an access driveway. The main difference is that the new proposed access driveway will be an elevated structure and as such it needs to be formalised by a road reserve consent.

This gives Council the necessary protection against any possible risks by requiring public liability insurance to be held by the applicant. It also provides Council with a monetary compensation in the form of an annual fee payment. Council reserves the right to terminate the consent at any time and for any reason.

You can view the outcomes of engagement in our Community engagement summary report.

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Senior Property Officer, Property Commercial & Tourist Assets
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

Marked 'Proposed Road Reserve Consent adjoining 29 Battle Boulevarde, Seaforth' to Northern Beaches Council, PO BOX 82 Manly 1655..